Page 161 Meme:
Grab the book that is nearest to you (no cheating), turn to page 161, post the text of the fifth full sentence on the page, post the rules, and tag three people.
Well, it will come as no surprise that the book closest to me is indeed a textbook (of sorts). Although, actually in the UK they don't use textbooks at all. This has been one of the most challenging changes in switching between North American and British universities. There were NO required textbook purchases. Everything we read for coursework here comes from peer-reviewed journals and books
But NO textbooks?? Huh?? That threw me for a loop. There is no such thing as being asked a question for review homework, and turning to page 161 to find the correct answer. For me, this was a HUGE adjustment, and I've struggled with finding the brainpower required to pull it off. We'll find out on July 11th whether I've managed to fool them into thinking I know what I'm doing. ;)
I did purchase a handful of books through the year that I thought might come in useful in the future. One of these just happens to be the book closest to me. The title is The Anthropology of Politics: A Reader in Ethnography, Theory, and Critique, edited by Joan Vincent. (It's actually the top volume in a stack of seven that are currently raising my reading lamp up to a proper height to illuminate hours and hours and hours of daily reading. Teehee.) It's a collection of essays. The essay interrupted by page 161 is by Ann Stoler, and it's titled "Perceptions of Protest: Defining the Dangerous in Colonial Sumatra."
Page 161, sentence 5 reads: "Acts of submission permeated the social relations of everyday life, most evident in the use of language, and in the distinct social space that marked the rigidly imposed division between European supervisors and their Asian subordinates."
There. I bet that was WAY more information than you wanted. LOL! Back to the books with me now. Three more study days till my LAST exam. Wooo-hoooo!
I won't tag anyone else, but feel free to play if you wish. :)
Very interesting!! I knew you'd have a great quote for us, and what interesting information about what you're reading and about your program! Thanks for adding a lot of interest to this meme! Good luck on your last exam.
Thanks, Robin. It's all done now but the crying!! Hehehe. No, seriously, I think I did okay. But I'll be sitting here anxiously on the edge of my chair come July 11th. :)
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