Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Quest

The forest engulfs.
Darkness obscures my path,
both behind and ahead.

Steel is sheathed at my side,
yet it glints still in the rays of the rising sun.
I have ridden far from thee this day,
yet my quest drags me onward
and I dare not withdraw.

I crouch at the stream
(softly softly)
and give thanks
before assuaging my thirst,
then begin the task of
washing away the wounds.
Blood still stains my palms,
soaked through my leather gloves.
Too much of this blood is mine own, I fear.

As sleep overtakes me
I allow my mind to wander,
the touch of your hand
the warmth of your smile
the beauty of our joining.

For only one brief moment,
I allow the ache for you
to emerge into consciousness,
the point no wider than a dagger's thrust,
but as deep as the blackness of beyond.

It will be long ere I see thee again.

I rest now.
There will be need again of my sword
ere night falls.


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