Monday, July 02, 2007

You know you've been surfing too long when....

I've been cooped up too long. For sure. :)

So this morning, I'm playing with my Google Reader settings. (Aside: Do you use Google Reader? If not, what is your preferred technique for cycling through the blogs you read?) Now, all of you who have been blogging for sometime already can stop reading here, because you probably already know all about this, but HEY! I'm still new, and discovering wondrously funny stuff! *grin*

So Google has this very cool button called "Next >>" that you can mount on your bookmark bar (is this only for Macintosh? ... no idea). So instead of clicking on individual blogs in the left-hand column of the Reader, I can just click "Next >>" and Firefox automatically cycles to the next unread entry. I wondered what would happen when I'd read all the new items. Here's what came up....

* * * * *

Google Reader
Congratulations, you've reached the End of the Internet .

* * * * *

Ohhhhh-kaaaaaaay..... Well, I certainly couldn't resist that link..... Go ahead.... click it. You know you wanna.... :P

I think there should be one more line at the end that says: "Donna really needs to get out more." Cuz I laughed my fool head off.....


Bookfool said...

I liked that one so much, I printed it out. Thanks for the laugh!

tanabata said...

That is so great!!

CdnReader said...

Too, too funny. Nice to know that Google has such a "bookish" sense of humour. :)